My Adventure at Sea
My Adventure at Sea
As I was leaving the house, I was sad. I was bored so much that I even started talking to myself.
I was checking the sails when I slipped and fell on my head. I put some ice on my head for the pain to pass. I was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean when a shark showed up. It started swimming around my boat. It was a Tiger shark. Luckily, I had a harpoon. I threw the harpoon at the shark and it swam away. I went to bed and fell asleep. It was sunny in the morning. I was rounding South America when it started raining. I ran under the deck. Suddenly, huge waves started to hit my boat. I strapped myself to the bed hoping that the storm would stop soon.When it stopped, I was scared that the boat didn't survive the storm but it did. While I was sailing to the Philippines, I saw natives on a beach. They started throwing spears at me. Luckily, I escaped. Thanks to my satellite phone I was in touch with my family. A video chat was something I was really looking forward to. My mum was worried about me the whole time. She couldn't sleep while I was on my trip. The trip was nearly over. My supplies were running low. I had just a few bottles of water left. There were a couple of storms in the end but everything went ok. I was happy because my journey was coming to an end. It was very hard to cope with all the problems along the way but I did it.
written by L.Š.
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