My life
My life
So, I don't know why everybody thinks my life is great... It's not that I don't like my life or something. I don't want a perfect life, I want a happy life without a fake friend, lies and that stuff, you know?
I want a life when I wake up that I'm all smiling and happy. I want a life where I don't know about sadness, lies and that stuff. Everybody tells me:''You're so cute/pretty/beautiful...'' but I don't see myself that way. I know that it's not good for me to think that negative about myself... I see myself as not pretty, plump and so on. Now, you must think I want some attention but I'm not. That is just how I feel about myself... That is the first thing I don't like in my life. The second thing is that I don't want to fight with others, I don't want to be a troublemaker, I don't want to be the one that EVERYBODY secretly hates. I don't understand those people. This is my favourite, every time something goes wrong, I'm the one who's guilty, I don't know if that is because you don't like me or something but I'm sick of it.
I just want to be a normal teenager with a real friend and a good family. I just want to be happy. Is that too much to ask?
written by D.D.
Hitovi: 1004