In Sync with My Parents
In Sync with My Parents
My parents are very good people. They understand me, they always help me and they know very well what I need to be happy.
I think that they have raised me well. They don't drink or smoke and I could learn all the best from them. I have a brother and two sisters and they are well-educated, too. My parents are not always the kind I want them to be. They are sometimes really boring. Especially my mother who often complains about me. I know that she wants me all the best but she sometimes exaggerates with it. My father doesn't care so much about my future because he knows that I will enrol in a good school and be successful in life. He worries about my behaviour. He worries that I might end up hanging out with wrong guys. He always comes to my football matches and watches me play. I sometimes argue with my parents because they think that I am pliable and they always have to control me. Then we get angry at each other and we don't talk for a couple of days or we sometimes get reconciled quickly. I'm not happy when my parents argue about me because I know they have bigger problems. I don't like listening to their quarrels. I sometimes ask myself if everything in life could be perfect but that's impossible. There will always be problems and I should learn how to deal with them. I've decided I should be more obedient to avoid arguing with my parents. Everything is fine when the family gathers together. There are a lot of my peers whose parents are divorced. They have bigger problems than me.
written by D.L.
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